Sina's mouth and lips are made for sucking cock. And when a girl wears hoop earrings, it means her man is getting laid and a blowjob. At least that's what happens when I wear them on a date!
It's always exciting to watch your slut cockmotize herself. She starts off innocently wrapping lips around meat, Then becomes ever more aroused and slutty as she begins to use her tongue around your knob and begins to cling tightly to cock with her lips, flicking her tongue into your sperm slit to collect tasty precum. Working to the balls she starts massaging her throat with your soft glans, enjoying the pulsation as his heart beats faster. It also occurs to her cock obsessed brain that she's here to suck jizz from him, not just play, her efforts become more ardent till he eventually has no choice but feed her the love-juice she craves. Yum cum. It's fun to help sluts become addicted to sperm.